Deya Esteban
After her second summer internship with Toronto City Mission, Deya felt led by God to continue in inner-city ministry, particularly in a year-long internship for this coming school year with Toronto City Mission. Through two summer internships at the Orton Park community site, Detya witnessed everything God has done through TCM and built loving relationships not only with campers but with the staff and volunteers.
She is encouraged to walk alongside the children and youth and simply serve as faithfully as she can to allow God to do the real work in each of the kids’ hearts. In particular, as an intern, she is excited for the opportunity to serve in all three community sites, Orton Park, Don Valley Village, and Jesse Ketchum.
Deya hopes to hear and learn from all that God will be teaching her so that she can better exemplify His love and grace to our ministry communities in Word and deed.
As programs began the following week, the feeling of determination I had developed over the summer had returned. While the word, determination, might sound promising or even praise-worthy, don’t be fooled. This determination was fuelled by doing a good job and meeting criteria in order to be able to sleep well at night. In other words, I began to rely on my own strength to attempt to power through and even cope with the challenge of increased leadership. It wasn’t until a couple of incidents that I finally understood what this more important word, Strength, had meant both in terms of ministry and my life as a whole.