Happy New Year 2024!

It is an exciting time here at TCM! This month we welcomed new field placement students from local colleges, a new year-long intern, and one of the moms in our Role Model Moms program has achieved academic excellence by successfully completing her GED certification!

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Elliott Shin
Executive Director Easter Message 2023

Warm Greetings from Toronto City Mission! Many of us are slowly awakening from hibernation after a long winter. As the temperatures get warmer and the days get longer I am reminded that there are many things about spring that teaches us about renewal and rebirth.

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Elliott Shin
Happy New Year 2023!

Greetings everyone, Happy New Year! While many choose to celebrate in different ways, here at Toronto City Mission we wish to begin 2023 by expressing our thankfulness and appreciation to God for His leading and guidance over the past year. We also want to express our dependence on Him as we look forward to the days, weeks, and months ahead of us!

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Elliott Shin
Happy New Year 2022!

Over the past couple of weeks, you have probably heard numerous people talk about their new year’s resolutions. Experts on television or social media may have made bold predictions for the upcoming year. Further, your Pastor or others around you may have talked about their hopes for a better, safer, healthier, more peaceful, and God-focused 2022. 

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Elliott Shin
Partnership Message: Pastor Godfrey

Mid-January 2020 a friend called me up ribbing me about not calling him to wish him a Merry Christmas.  “If I expected anyone to reach out at Christmas it should be the Pastor,” he protested.  I apologized and offered the explanation that I had just recently changed churches after 15 years.  I was now pastoring downtown.  The 6-week transition started at the beginning of December and I was super busy.  Being more polite than interested he asked where the church was located.  Yet, as soon as I mentioned the location it sparked a meaningful conversation.

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Toronto City Mission