Mission Teams FAQ
Mission teams help camps run smoothly and along with the summer staff, helps provide the greatest impact on the lives of the children.
How many members can be on a team?
We recommend 5-8 ppl. If you have more than 8 members, we would recommend that you create two teams with at least 1 adult leader per team.
Is there a minimum age for team members?
At least 14 years old or having completed 8th grade.
What weeks are available for teams to sign up for?
Weeks are available on a first come first serve basis. Camp runs for 7 weeks from the beginning of July to mid August. All weeks are 5 days (or 4 days if there is a holiday or the last week of camp.)
Where is the Camp?
TCM offers Sonshine Day Camp in 3 different communities:
Don Valley Village - Don Mills & Van Horne
Jesse Ketchum - Bay & Davenport
Orton Park (formerly Kingston-Galloway) - Markham Rd & Lawrence
Is there a cost to send a mission team?
There is no fixed cost to participate as a mission team but teams are expected to cover their own costs of any travel (i.e. TTC fare) and entrance fees for any excursions, and costs for bagged lunch (nut free please!).
If you are interested in contributing to Sonshine Day Camp over and above bringing a team, please let a TCM staff person know.
What time does my team need to arrive and what time does camp end?
The start and end time varies depending on the camp your team is serving. You can expect start time to range from 8-8:30 and end time to range for 4-4:30. TCM will notify you of the exact time prior to the start of your week.
What is our mission team responsible for?
The main role of the mission team is to provide extra hands and feet to the camp staff and to build relationships with the campers and the TLCs (youth volunteers).
We give opportunities for teams to lead musical worship, games, and an afternoon Theme Day. Prior to your camp week, TCM staff will provide you with suggested worship songs and games but we are very open to new suggestions!
What is Theme Day?
Theme day is a day where the mission team can decide on activities that are created around a certain theme. Some examples that we have had in the past are: Time Travel, Mario, and Superheroes.
Does my team need to stay overnight?
TCM does not provide accommodations and does not require teams to stay overnight together during their mission week. We do recognize that there is a benefit to teams who do spend the whole week together so if your team would like to make arrangements to do so, we would highly encourage it. In the past, teams who choose to stay together for the week have stayed at their church, or an airbnb close to their camp location.
What would a typical week at Sonshine Day Camp look like?
Here is a potential schedule of what your mission team week could look like. However, please note that anytime ministry is involved, it’s important to be flexible and be ready to serve in whatever capacity is needed.
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