GOD’S WORK: Patience, Love, and Humility
Written by: Olivia Mo
I first heard about Toronto City Mission (TCM) through Elliott Shin when he gave a sermon one Sunday as a guest speaker at my church. I later learned that many of the members of my church had previously served as a summer intern at TCM’s Sonshine Day Camp. When I learned more about TCM’s ministry and the camp through the stories that the previous interns shared with me, I felt the incentive to support TCM’s ministry as well by applying as a summer intern myself to serve the children in underprivileged communities. I was eager to join an organization dedicated to supporting children in need and creating a safe, fun, and loving camp environment. My hope is to help bring these children closer to God and be a witness of Christ to them.
Before camp started, my biggest concern was “Will I be able to lead well? Will the Bible lessons, the craft activities, and the games I prepared and organized, all be executed well enough for the children to understand and have fun learning and doing them?” However, despite my little experience in teaching children, I believe that God uses whoever He wants to use, regardless of one’s level of experience and skills, and as seen in the Bible, the Lord often used those who had greater weaknesses than strengths. Moses was “slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10), and David was a young shepherd boy when he defeated Goliath and later became King of Israel. I too, thus felt anxious and doubted in my heart that I would be able to teach and lead the children well.
However, right from the first day of camp, I could already sense that God was working in me, on me, and through me. I was in charge of leading the craft activity that day, and as a person who has a quiet voice and is not a confident speaker in front of people, I had doubts that the kids would listen to me. It was a challenge to instruct the kids on how to make the craft when many voiced their frustration or some did not listen. However, this experience has taught me PATIENCE. It ultimately helped me prepare myself for the next time I lead any activities and to not let myself be discouraged by the results.
““That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” ”
As the first week of camp passed and the second week started, I began to build more relationships with the kids – talking to them, listening to the stories they shared, and even disciplining them gently and at times firmly – all of which made me LOVE these children, as I could see their innocence, goodness and genuine joy when they were at camp. That is why I felt more nervous and at the same time eager to teach the children my Bible lessons. Teaching and leading the lessons and small groups was a challenge, but I was surprised and grateful when the children tried to listen to what I taught, even if they may not have understood everything. Upon reflecting on my lessons, I was reminded of what God told Moses in Exodus 4:12 – “Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.” I truly believe that God helps us proclaim His word by putting the right words in our mouths or giving us the courage and boldness to preach to others.
“Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.””
Many of the children’s innocence and pure hearts have also taught me HUMILITY, as their innocent faith in me as a leader who they could trust has really humbled me and once again reminded me of Jesus’ teaching that we too, although grown up, should still have a faith like that of a child. This childlike faith that I see every day at camp has taught me that I should in every situation and circumstance, have security, hope, and certainty that God is always there for me, protecting and guiding me, and being the gracious and loving Father He always is, without room for doubt.
My experience as a summer intern at Sonshine Day Camp has taught me many other things as well, all of which God has used to help me grow and become a child again myself, and as a Child of God I will continue and strive to exhibit patience, love, and humility to the children at camp, my team members, and everyone else who God wills for me to show and learn patience, humility, and love from.
““Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.””