God's Wonderful Work in the Lives of Young People


It's been a few weeks since my return from sabbatical and things have picked off right where I left them. It was nice trying to get adjusted to the high level of energy the children and youth bring to our programs. I felt like it was my first time back at the gym after a long hiatus.

There are times where I find myself just going through the motions because a lot can happen during the couple of hours we spend with the kids. In the busyness of programs or summer camps, it's easy to get used to routine and activities. However, in the midst of the busyness I really cherish the time where we get the opportunity to sit down and have amazing conversations. 


"For I am fearfully and wonderfully made, wonderful are Your works"
Psalms 139:14

Within these conversations I am always amazed at the openness and honesty of the kids. They are quite self-aware and engaged with the things around them. I must say that it is tough sometimes being a kid. Even as an adult I find myself dealing with doubt, fears and discouragement–very much like them.

During a conversation with one of our junior high boys, we shared our thoughts on discouraging moments. In that moment, I wanted to remind the young man and myself that the Lord knows us intimately and that He cares. He is involved with us every step of the way. This was an encouraging time for both of us and we prayed that we would continue to experience God’s love in intimate ways and equipped to share it with others. What God is doing in the lives of these young girls and boys are is truly wonderful.

I am thankful for precious moments like these. As you go about your day and week, I hope this gentle reminder brings peace and love for yourself and those around you.