Summer's Around The Corner!

We just finished off our school year programs. As you can see above, the kids as usual were having tons of fun (after homework of course) using JENGA pieces in all the ways they weren't meant to be used. What I loved about this particular afternoon was how one boy who is usually a bit more isolated had the chance to build the rest of the boys and share the JENGA pieces he was using with the others.

Sonshine Daycamp is just around the corner. As usual, I will be involved primarily with the Junior Extreme Daycamp (for grade 7-8) with one of our interns. We have just finished a week of training, running workshops that covered everything from lesson planning to behaviour management. In St. James Town, we have 4 lovely young adults who will be interning with us, plus one of our very own teens who has received funding to work for us the whole summer!

Please pray for us in these particular areas:

1) Pray for our interns and TLCs to be adequately supported and to draw close to Jesus this summer

2) Pray for the right kids and teens to come out, particularly as we do some outreach to groups we haven't reached before

3) Pray for our staff: for Michelle, Francis and myself - in the summer our responsibilities look very different. Please pray for us to focus and do a few things well rather than spread ourselves too thin. Pray that we would still work well together as a team despite having less time to communicate with one another

4) Pray that we would develop a culture of love and acceptance at our camps and that through this kind of atmosphere, the hearts of children and families will be made soft for the clear preaching of the gospel