God is Faithful During Valleys and Peaks of Life
We continue to teach the children how God is the best example of faithfulness. God is a faithful God. It is part of his character, He is faithful without sin. Throughout the Bible, God continues to demonstrate his faithfulness to mankind. He remains loyal, always keeping His promises to us and his love remains steadfast. God’s biggest testament to His faithfulness is Jesus. After the Fall of Creation, God promised mankind a Saviour that will bridge the gap between us and God. This Saviour will reunite us with God once again. This promise was set in the book of Genesis and was not fulfilled for thousand and thousands of years. In God’s perfect timing, He finally sent His one and only son to redeem us from death.
Scripture reminds us God is the faithful one:
Know therefore that he Lord your God is God, keeping his covenant of live to a thousand generations of those who live him and keep his commands (Deuteronomy 7:9)
The word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. (Psalm 33:4)
If we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself. (2 Timothy 2:13)
As Christians, we are asked also to be faithful to God. A trusting relationship grows only by stepping out in faith and making the choice to trust. The ability to believe God develops most often through pure experience. As we journey in our Christian walk, being faithful and confident in God is always easy when there is no adversity. But we were never promised our faith journey will be easy because we are constantly facing adversities. Life is filled with ups and downs.
What does faithfulness look like during the valleys of life?
It means holding onto God’s promises as we wait and continually seek Him and His Kingdom. It means remembering God’s faithfulness in our lives and remembering God will never forsake us, it means despite the circumstances in front of us, we turn our eyes to God.
Being faithful and trusting God has to be a daily choice and sometimes never an easy choice. We are tempted to do things on our own, we are influenced by many different opinions and sometimes we forget God.
In the moments when we forget God, God continues to be there for us with His arms open wide as long we choose to go to Him. That is God being faithful.
We are called to love others and there are moments when others fail us. They don’t meet our expectations, or they don’t seem to be on the same page as us. Or we failed our loved ones. The hurts of life, God continues to be the faithful one we can trust with all our hearts, mind and soul.
During times of lamentations, our praises are more authentic because we made the choice to worship and praise God despite those valleys we are facing. We hope through the trials of life, we can be a testament God is working and He will be glorified.
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
As we continue to remind the children and youth about God’s faithfulness, we hope that we can remind them to be faithful to God too. God is our true comforter who knows our name and every thought.