God Promises to Be With you
When you hear ‘God’s promises’, what is your first thought? I’m reminded of the promises that God has made with the people of the Old Testament. With Noah, He promised that He would never again send a flood to destroy the world (Genesis 9:11). With Abraham, He promised that Abraham would be the father to many nations and that many kings would come from his lineage (Genesis 17:5-6). With David, He promised that the Messiah would come from his lineage (2 Samuel 7).
Now, when you hear ‘God promises to be with you’ what comes to mind? You might be reminded of Moses and the Israelites. God told Moses to go to Egypt to save His people from Pharaoh but Moses responded back and said “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt” (Exodus 3:11). To which God responded with the following verse:
“But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain”
As we follow the story of Moses, we learn of the different ways God continues to be with Moses and the Isrealites. He protects them from harm as they leave Egypt by parting the Red Sea so that they could get away from Pharaoh (Exodus 14). He provided them with sustenance of quail and manna when they started to complain and continued to be with them are they wandered for a total of 40 years. He kept them safe and sound and always was by their side as a pillar of cloud at day and a pillar of fire at night (Exodus 13:21-22). We see how God continues to be with the Israelites when Moses dies, as he sets Joshua to be the next leader. He then promises Joshua that He will also be with him, just like He was with Moses (Joshua 1).
As Christians, we face a multitude of situations. There are times when we feel like we’re going through waves, just trying to float and stay alive. Other times it seems easier. But God promises that through whatever season, situation, issue that we are facing He is right there with us. Even though we feel like we’re drowning, God is right beside us.
I pray that in times of trouble, confusion, and wandering, you are reminded of the words “God promises to be with you”. I hope that you cling onto the stories of Moses, Joshua and others and remember that God is with you. This is also what we hope to teach our kids at program. We hope that they come to know that God promises to be with them too. That through any trial or tribulation God promises to be with them, just like in it states in Hebrews 13:5 “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Our kids love praise and worship time. They’re always ready on their feet whenever it’s time to sing. In one of our praise and worship songs ‘Never Let Me Go’ by LifeTree Kids, it says “Through every storm of life, I know you’re by my side. So I am holding on, to your promises. You are the God who holds, my future, all my dreams. So I am holding on. You never let go of me!” I hope this song serves as a reminder to them that God holds His promises and will be by their side.