Through God's Transformational Power
“Through God’s transformational power, we build loving relationships to bring hope to children and families impacted by poverty. ”
Since 1879, Toronto City Mission has held the blessing of participating in God’s good work in Toronto. Their vision, rooted in the hope of seeing families' lives transformed by the truth of the Gospel, inspired and encouraged me, showing me there was an organization in my own city that shared the same missional heart I felt God had planted in me. In 2019, God gave me the opportunity to join along into this blessing TCM held as well.
These last four years with TCM have truly become a grand testimony in itself. There has not been a day where I feel as though my heart has ever shrunk for the children and youth I’ve been able to meet, serve, and grow alongside. Yes, even in the sunniest, sweatiest, whiniest, most challenging days, God sent me home each day with a heart so full of love and prayer for each of them. The greatest reward will always be the moments God allows me to witness some of the fruit from the seeds planted. In the youth who moved away a couple years ago joining us now to volunteer full-time for summer camp, in the unexpected bursts of worship songs coming from the kids during our walks to the pool, in the parents’ meaningful encouragements and support for me and my team, in having some of the funniest and some of the most heartbreaking conversations with a child but being able to rejoice in God with them the same in both – these are some of the greatest treasures I get to store in my heart.
As much as our vision is to transform these families, I leave with the knowledge and experience that God has not left a day without transforming my own heart and spirit. With the TCM team, God offered me healing, genuine community and friendship, and in His careful and gentle ways, revealed so much of my own sins and shortcomings, never leaving me to face them on my own but to be met by the deepest grace and compassion, with such sincere love and care. In God’s work at TCM, we build loving relationships to bring hope. Though in our mission we state for whom this hope is for, I know firsthand that this hope and the loving relationships are built and offered to all who have the opportunity to serve with TCM. Through God’s transformation power, I am transformed. In the loving relationships built, I have been loved so dearly. In the hope offered, I leave with every bit of it. Thank you Toronto City Mission ♥️