Is There Anything Too Hard for the Lord?

By Chara, Role Model Moms Outreach Worker Teacher in Victoria Village


The Bible study was coming to an end as the group of six women each shared one thing in their life that they are tempted to think is too hard for God to intervene. The study had been on Abraham and Sarah and how they doubted Gods plan for them to bear children, especially at such old ages. But in Genesis 18 God says to them, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?”

One by one, they shared their stories. Her insecurity around education and how she keeps on failing the math test. Her financial struggles and endless credit card debt. Her parents constantly fight. Her church is not receptive to accepting refugees and don’t see the value in helping. Her general anger towards God because of many past difficulties causing her to give up her son for adoption.

Bravely these women shared these out loud, and encouraged each other to trust in God through these hardships. They seemed tired and worried about these things, yet strengthened with the knowledge that they were not alone in these struggles. One of the moms chimed in connecting it to another verse saying, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-30).

So to you I ask the same: What in your life do you need to be reminded, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” and if your answer is yes, find people to share those things with out loud. People who can encourage you and remind you that the answer is in fact NO, because surely the God of Abraham and Sarah came even in their old age and past their years of childbearing and fulfilled his promise to them.