PJ Joins Toronto City Mission
By PJ, Outreach Worker in St. James Town
PJ and his youth group participated in SpikeBack this year
Seven years ago, I served with TCM in St. James Town as part of a Mission Team with my church. Ever since that summer, I have been involved with TCM either as a summer intern, a placement student, or as a volunteer at the Youth Extreme program. This year, the youth group that I lead took part in SpikeBack Against Poverty 2017 to help send kids to Sonshine Day Camp. Despite being the youngest team, we were able to raise over $750 through bake sales and had a great time playing beach volleyball.
I am thankful for what God has been doing in my life and how he has led me to TCM. Starting this summer, I will be working as a full-time Outreach Worker in St. James Town. My hope is that I’ll continue to build upon the relationships I have already established and make new long-lasting relationships in the community.