Poinsettias In The Dark
Priscilla with kids from Willowtree last year.
By: Priscilla Leung, Summer Intern in Willowtree
“Anticipation” is the word I would choose to describe how I’m feeling towards the upcoming weeks of Sonshine Day Camp. Yet, I am confident in knowing that God has great things in store for Willowtree this summer, and I’m looking forward to the lessons that He is going to teach me through the kids.
We are currently making our way through the life of Joseph and learning about how sometimes our definition of “good things that happen in life”, is not the same as God’s definition. When the kids ask questions about enduring hardships and trials, they sometimes see it as God being cruel and Him wanting us to struggle and face hardships. But God puts us in these positions to show us more of who He is. For example, God used Joseph’s life of detours and struggles to grow his faith, and directs everything back to Himself as the perfecter of that faith.
During small group, two of the Mission Team members (Gen and Florence) and I were able to share about times in our lives where we have grown from different trials. The topics ranged from the death of a loved one, to the absence of an earthly father in our life. At the end of the sharing, Florence was able to send us off with this encouragement: “Poinsettias are beautiful flowers. To grow, they require one specific thing that most plants don’t – darkness. That’s right, even a crack of light will prevent the leaves from turning red and growing. Just like it was illogical for me to put my poinsettia in a dark cupboard to take care of it, often times, it doesn’t make sense when God places us in trials – but it is ultimately because He cares for us and desires for us to grow in Him. In our times of weakness, God reveals to us that we need nothing more than God Himself.”
As I continue to build relationships with the campers, my prayer is that I would be able to meet them where they are at, with Christ’s love. I pray that their hearts would rest in God’s goodness even if their circumstances tell them otherwise, and that they would not be shaken by the expectations of the world, but rest in God’s truth.
“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” Genesis 50:20
This is Priscilla’s second time serving as a summer intern in Willowtree. She looks forward to sharing the hope and light that comes with Christ’s ultimate victory over death, with the children she meets. She hopes to see their faith and love for Him grow this summer.