The Impact of COVID-19 on TCM
By Rachelle Alcazaren, Kingston-Galloway | Outreach Worker
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Toronto City Mission has worked hard to actively contribute to the community, as well as lend a helping hand to the families that are a part of our programs. The way we serve the community may be executed differently, but our love and heart for the families we serve has not changed.
The pandemic has not come without its challenges. As an organization that centres around building relationships through face-to-face interactions, we have had to completely change the way we interact with our families, and how we communicate God’s love and hope to them as well. We believe that conveying God’s love and hope is especially important during this time as fear and uncertainty have been circling through the minds and hearts of the people. In order to best interact with the kids, youth and parents, we’ve been experimenting with different online platforms and have had to get creative with how to reach out.
Below, learn more about what is going on in the communities we serve and how you can support our mission during the pandemic.
1. How have our families been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic?
2. How is God working in TCM during this time?
3. How can I come alongside TCM during the coronavirus pandemic?
1. How have our families been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic?
Families accessing the local food bank
First of all, some parents have stopped working or have had their hours reduced by at least 60%. Other parents have been working from home. Children have started online schooling, but most of the time they are stuck at home, restless and bored. This has had a major impact on the families as a whole.
Grocery shopping has become a burden for most. It is hard for some to buy the groceries they need, and single-parent families have to face the decision of whether to bring their young children to the store with them, even with the virus rapidly spreading throughout the community. Additionally, some have physical restrictions that include not having a car to transport groceries. This makes it difficult to buy all of the items they need in one trip.
Lastly, the parents are becoming burnt out. Because of the pandemic, parents have also taken on the role of teacher/tutor, full-time cook and entertainer (for the kids), all the while dealing with their work situation and everyone’s mental health.
At this moment, we are doing everything we can to help meet the needs of our families. Whether that be with tutoring, online sessions with the kids, giving out groceries and care packages, or spending time with the youth through devotionals and online games. These are just some of the ways we have been able to serve the needs of the families impacted by the pandemic.
2. How is God working in TCM during this time?
Although the pandemic has come with its challenges, it has also come with its blessings. Ironically enough, the distance between us and our families have physically gotten farther, but God has somehow allowed our relationships with them to deepen and become closer. It has made us even more intentional in reaching out, and we have learned so many new things about our kids, youth, and the parents that we serve. This experience has also allowed us to spend more time with Him, listening to His heart for the community and feeling the love of God around us.
This pandemic has also encouraged us to keep trusting in the Lord, no matter what the future may look like for ourselves and for TCM. God knows exactly what He is doing, and we must continue to have faith in God’s plan and perfect timing. In a way, God is bringing people together in prayer and support for one another during this critical time. There is nothing like a crisis to bring people together, and during this time we have become closer to our community. It is our prayer that even when this pandemic has passed, we will not forget what God has done for us, and we pray that we will continue to be intentional with our relationships.
Our Outreach Workers leading their kids in an exercise activity through our online KIC (Kids In Community) program.
3. How can I come alongside TCM during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Supporters can keep in touch with us, pray for us, and follow-up on how we are doing individually and as a whole.
If you have suggestions, ideas or how we can better serve our communities during this time, we would love to hear them.
Donations are also welcome. Food donations are especially in demand at the moment, and it would be a great addition to the food bank. Please email Dorothy at to get in touch with us.