Dear Friend,
Summer is here! With the weather changing, it is always a nice reminder of God’s creation and the variety that the different seasons bring. For kids, summer is a break from the regular routine of school; a time of fun, exploration, creativity, wonder and joy.
At Sonshine Day Camp, our prayer is that God would meet each child in the fun, in the wonder; whether through the cool relief in swimming or engaging the mind in bible lessons to treetop trekking in nature. Through the meaningful relationships built between staff and interns with the children, our hope is that the gospel will be brought to life in their hearts. While summer happens every year, this summer could be the one where a child finds hope in Jesus, and you can be part of that child’s journey!
For many families impacted by poverty, Sonshine Day Camp is the essential part of a child’s summer. Unfortunately, this year due to unforeseen circumstances, we have been met with a major shortfall in the funding we typically receive. To be frank, we are missing $21,416, but we trust that TCM is God’s mission and that He will provide. We are first asking that you join us in prayer, as well as careful consideration in partnering with God’s mission to care for children impacted by poverty in supporting Sonshine Day Camp above and beyond your regular giving.
Last summer, we welcomed a boy named George to our camp. George, who is nonverbal and has various special needs, was supported by a one-to-one worker. We were initially unsure how he would integrate into the camp, especially since this was his first experience in a group setting for an extended period.
During the first week, we played a game named Snakes and Doctors, which is similar to tag. In this game, when a child is tagged, someone has to hold a pylon over their head for three seconds to "revive" them back into the game. We weren't sure if George would understand the concept, but soon after observing the other children, he picked up a pylon and started holding it over their heads to save them. This was such a big moment for George as all the children were so happy that he was saving them in the game and he had so much fun doing it.
Over the course of camp, the children included George in all of the games, even letting him win. They also made it a point to check in on him throughout the day to ensure that he was having fun. There was one instance when George fell, a bunch of kids rushed over to him to see if he was okay. The interactions that the children had with George during the Summer were impactful to him, his family, his support worker, and the camp staff. George’s presence served as a great lesson for the children, learning that while we all have different needs, we are all loved and accepted by the same God and made in His image. It was very evident that the children took this to heart and applied these truths in their interactions with George.
We are grateful for any gift amount, big or small; but for $230, you can provide a child like George with an unforgettable summer of fun, faith and experiences that he may otherwise not be able to have.
Your generous contributions will enable us to continue to provide camp free of charge. I invite you to join us, and together we can share the hope of Jesus Christ to children impacted by poverty!
In His Service,
Elliott Shin
Executive Director