Everyone Needs Compassion
If this summer has taught me anything, it’s that God’s compassion is overflowing. It’s a simple fact, but an easy one to forget. While preparing my lesson on Jonah and the Big Fish, I found myself challenged by this idea. While the story is a great reminder of God’s compassion, it’s also a reminder of the selfishness and anger of man.
““The Lord is merciful and compassionate, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. The Lord is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation.””
Having made it through half the summer as of writing this, I can tell you that there have definitely been days where it feels impossible to have patience for the kids. As much as we love them, it can be hard to show them compassion and be that model of Jesus’ love. But it’s in these moments that I’m reminded of God’s overflowing compassion. How many times have I come to God asking for forgiveness for the same sin, over and over again, and yet He still shows me compassion? God continues to show me grace, patience, and love despite my failures and shortcomings. And, it is that same grace, patience, and love that God calls me to extend to those He places in my life. Of course, it isn’t always easy, but I’ve learned to lean on God for strength. Where my patience may end, God’s patience endures. Where my love may fail, God’s love remains unconditional. And where I am lacking, God is able to be glorified.
““We love because he first loved us.” ”
Despite the hard days, it’s been such a blessing seeing God work through Sonshine Daycamp. I’ve loved seeing the kids develop a love for praise and worship, even singing and dancing outside of worship time. I’ve also loved seeing the kids grow through small groups. It’s always surprising the questions the kids will ask but I’m always thankful when they do because it shows a genuine desire to know God more. Through their curiosity they are able to make the lessons they learn personal to them and hopefully make their relationship with Jesus more personal too. Lastly, it’s always so encouraging to see how God is working through the kids. It always warms my heart when I see the kids cheer on a camper who may struggle with certain gym games, or when a camper shows genuine concern, and comforts a friend who’s upset.
God’s compassion is overflowing, and it’s my prayer that these kids not just feel and experience God’s love, but also want to share that love with others in their life. I have faith that God’s doing great things in each and every one of the kids and I’m just so grateful that I can be a part of it.