A Loving God
It has been a whirlwind of a summer at Flemingdon Park. This summer has indeed been a huge learning experience for me. Coming into this, I was actually pretty scared to connect with the kids and figure out how to do ministry but God has shown me that a little bit of love can go a long way. I’m thoroughly surprised every day by some of the conversations and how much they have opened up to me throughout the summer. Even kids that I never thought would ever truly talk to me at the beginning of the summer, have started to open up to me about family and life. I’m always surprised by what they learn and how they see life.
One of our kids asked me a great question, “How do we have eternal life?” Trying to share it though I realized I never had the opportunity to truly share this before. It was a struggle but I could see all the gears click in when I answered her. Being able to share about God every day just in everyday conversations with the kids and seeing the small miracles of God working is such a beautiful blessing to have. I’ve nothing but joy to see these kids grow.
Especially in my time doing Bible, I was teaching the kids about the prodigal son and how no matter what God will accept us for who we are or what we’ve done. It reminded me that even in our worst states, especially as I was sick that week, God can use us. And that’s what I’ve been feeling throughout this whole summer. No matter how tired I am or how hard it is to communicate since many kids don’t speak English, God is always working and He is a God filled with love and acceptance. As long as we live with love, we will be able to see God working in people even in the chaos of life. Everyone is worthy of God’s love and we need to show grace and love to those who need it.
“ “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.””