Unity in God's People
Near the start of Sonshine Day Camp, one of my fellow interns gave a devotional about unity of the body of Christ. We read through a passage in 1 Corinthians 12, highlighting how important it was for us as a team to work together to share the Gospel and love the children.
In the moment of hearing that devotional, I don't think I realized how true the passage would be. Everyday, I have felt so blessed by our team. The ability to get along and work so well together with our different strengths, to rejoice together for good days at camp, and to share and eventually laugh together during the difficult days has truly been a gift from God.
Something that I have always struggled with is pride. I had difficulty with asking for help this summer and took more responsibility on myself instead. This has led to exhaustion and much harder days. Without realizing my pride, I have asked God for perseverance and strength to get through the rest of the week.
The next day, God answered my prayers in an unexpected way. I was having a difficult time disciplining the campers that day. (As a future teacher who prides herself in classroom management, it stopped me from asking for help as well). Every time I was about to correct the behaviour of a camper, another intern thankfully stepped in. This was the moment I realized that it wasn't more physical strength that was needed, but humility and reliance on my fellow interns. I have experienced God so many times that day and in the days to come through my team and their kindness, joy, perseverance, and care.
““...But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.””