Giving Back to St. James Town
Chantal (middle), with kids from Sonshine Day Camp.
By: Chantal Pasadilla, Summer Intern in St. James Town
The first TCM program I ever attended was KIC (Kids in Community) when I was six years old. As a kid, I would go through the Bible lessons not fully understanding that there was a greater lesson to be learned. I would be more engaged in games and worship because I wanted to just have fun. Nevertheless, I continued to be a part of TCM, joining Youth Extreme, EPIC, and TLC at Sonshine Day Camp. I’m glad I stuck with this ministry, because through TCM I’ve met amazing friends and mentors who helped me become a reliable and faithful young woman who now cares more about God than just having fun.
One of my favourite memories I have had with TCM would be the summer when my friends and I were a part of the Jr. High Camp. We had so much fun playing games such as mafia, watching superhero movies, and learning more about God during Bible time. I created stronger relationships with some of my closest friends, and new ones with the leaders and God.
Another favourite memory would be when the St. James Town TLCs (Teens Leading Communities) had the opportunity in 2014 to be a mission team for the other TCM sites. This was an eye opening experience because I had to adapt to new surroundings and children. On this trip, I saw how God was working with the on site staff and with us. God provided us a place to stay overnight, generous people who took care of us, and energy throughout the week.
This summer, as a new intern I want to give back to St. James Town, the community that I grew up in, by being a good example to the children and teaching them that it is possible to achieve their goals. I have seen the hardships that the low income and new immigrant families have to deal with on a daily basis. I learned that you cannot rely on yourself to do everything. There are many people in the community who are willing to help, but the greatest provider is God. A lot of people may see me as a capable leader, however, the strength and leadership they see comes from God. And so, I want to serve the kids in St. James Town just like Jesus served His people, with the gifts He has blessed me with.
Chantal has just finished High School and is a first time Summer Intern in St. James Town. She most enjoys that she is able serve kids right in her own neighbourhood!
Here is a slideshow of a few pictures of Chantal throughout the years at TCM.