God With Us

By: Emmanuel Tsang, Summer Intern in St. James Town

The month of August typically consists of back-to-school vibes, mid-summer regrets, and the end of camps. For myself, it’s all about the sad emotions attached to leaving children I care for and love. As I constantly reminisce about the past five weeks, and ponder the highs and lows, one thing remains - God’s hand over all.

Leading the junior highs this summer at Sonshine Day Camp has been driven by an attitude of belief. As a seventh grader you receive the message in a more mature state, but you’re also constantly fighting a personal battle of identity. As their leader, I want to encourage them personally,  and let them know that their identity is found in Christ and not the world. I want them to genuinely know that God is greater, and He is ever present and working in their daily lives. Although I can see that God is real and working in their lives, they also need to open their eyes to see and ears to listen. I want them to discover an attitude that sees Christ work in their daily lives. 

A verse that encourages to me in this time of transition or letting go comes from Isaiah 41:10. It says:

 “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

This passage is a reminder that God is always with me wherever I am. That even feelings of discouragement have no power in me and that God’s hand is always covering me. Just as God has been working in my life, I hope the same for lives of these kids and youths. 

While camp nears its final weeks, I’m challenged to believe that God’s hand will cover them long afterwards. It’s funny how even in this situation I’ve become reliant on myself to care for them, but God is the true shepherd in my life and theirs. As they leave, I pray that they will realize their worth in Christ and that God is working endlessly in their lives.

Emmanuel is currently serving at St. James Town for a first time this summer. He loves that he has the chance to minister to youth, and encourage them through God's word.