“One night I had a dream. Together with God, I walked along a beach and on the horizon, I saw my life passing by in short pictures. Each stage of life was followed by footprints, one belonging to me, and the other to God. After the last picture went out, I turned around and was horrified; during the most difficult situations in my life, when I was about to give up, there was only one footprint in the sand on my life path! I could not understand this, so I asked God, "God, I have dedicated my whole life to you, and you promised to walk with me always. Why did you leave me alone during the times when I was down and worried?" Then God answered, "My dear child. Never would I leave you. Especially not when you need my help. If there is only one footprint in the sand, it is because I carried you during all that time!”
When I was a child, this story was read to me once and it has accompanied me on my journey through life ever since. Even though it is not a story from the Bible, it perfectly illustrates that God is journeying with us, no matter what life situation we find ourselves in.
As a child, for example, I associated difficult times with an upcoming English test. Even though in retrospect, these were really small problems, the thought that God was sitting next to me during the English test gave me incredible encouragement even then as a child. This reminder makes me realize all over again how life-changing and hope-giving our afterschool program can be for our children.
I remember one of the girls approaching me after the program because she had forgotten her jacket in the gym. The girl asked me to go with her because she was afraid to go into the dark gym alone.
I wish very much for all our kids to entrust themselves to God in the same way and ask for help and strength when they face challenges.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; don’t be dismayed,
for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
I am very grateful that this year where we can encourage our children to share their lives, their dreams and also their fears with God.