Trust God !
““Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.””
I have been with Toronto City Mission (TCM) for 4 months and have been helping at the Kingston-Galloway and Jesse Ketchum locations. During my time at TCM, I have been holding on to this Bible verse where Jesus tells us we should trust God and that nothing should shake our faith.
For the last weeks and months of 2022, the children and the staff have been learning about God's promises to us, humans. God promises us in the Bible that He is always there for us, that He will protect and love us, that He will forgive us and never reject us when we come to Him, and much more. Jesus tells us in John 14:1 that we should trust Him and God. We are to trust that He keeps his promises and that He has a good plan for us.
God has a good plan for each and every one of us. He has a good plan for the work being done at TCM and for the kids. We have to trust and believe in it. We have to believe that the work at TCM is bearing fruit and that the power of the Holy Spirit can change the lives of the kids at our programs and give them a better, promising future. We have to believe that God will protect the kids and show them the right way.
In the last few months at TCM, I was able to experience a lot with the kids. We have both good days together, as well as very challenging days. Some of my favourite days are the days when the kids listen to the Bible lessons, cooperate well, and especially when they ask a lot of questions. This shows me again and again how interested the kids are in wanting to get to know and understand the Christian faith and Jesus. The days when the kids ask a lot of questions give me hope that they want to invite Jesus into their lives and follow His path. That these children trust Him, are asking more about who Jesus is, and want to live by His will and example. Although our kids are still very young, they ask very profound and challenging questions for their age, which sometimes pushes me to my limits. These questions motivate me, again and again, to consciously go back to God's Word, to learn new things, and to ask more questions myself.
I hope and trust that the work being done through TCM will change the lives of the kids and pray that each and every one of our children can accept God's promises for themselves. This is my hope for you as well.
As I said, we also have more challenging days at TCM. Days when you lack motivation when things are not going the way that you hoped, or you feel tired. Days when there are a lot of arguments, or days when our kids and their families suffer many strokes of fate. Days when you feel like you're taking steps backward rather than forward and standing in the same spot. Days when you feel that you are not reaching your goals fast enough. Especially on these days, Jesus promises us this encouragement again very clearly: "Do not let anything shake you in your faith!", Jesus said to his disciples. "Trust in God and trust in me! (John 14:1)
Do not stop believing and trusting God's plan in all that happens to you.
I wish you all, God's kingdom, and blessings and that even in the difficult times of life you will never stop believing, trusting God, and holding on to God's promises.